A Collective Effort 🀝

Promoting mental health among young people is a collective effort. By aligning with SDG 3, we can work towards a future where every young person has the support and resources they need to thrive mentally and emotionally. Let’s prioritise mental well-being together! πŸŒπŸ’š

A Collective Effort 🀝

Promoting mental health among young people is a collective effort. By aligning with SDG 3, we can work towards a future where every young person has the support and resources they need to thrive mentally and emotionally. Let’s prioritise mental well-being together! πŸŒπŸ’š


For students in Stages 2 and 3 investigating SDG 3, focusing on "Prioritising Mental Health and Well-being in Young People for a Healthier Future," here are some big questions that could guide their inquiry and exploration:

  1. What is mental health, and why is it important for everyone, including young people?
    Encourages students to understand the concept of mental health and its importance in overall well-being.
  2. How do different activities (like exercise, hobbies, and spending time with friends and family) affect our mental health and well-being?
    Prompts an investigation into how various activities can positively or negatively impact mental health.
  3. What are some common signs that someone might be struggling with their mental health, and how can we support them?
    Guides students to recognise signs of mental health issues and explore appropriate ways to offer support.
  4. How does screen time and the use of technology impact the mental health of young people?
    Encourages a deep dive into the relationship between technology use and its effects on mental health.
  5. What role do schools play in supporting the mental health and well-being of students?
    Invites students to explore how educational environments contribute to or detract from mental health and what improvements can be made.
  6. How can young people advocate for better mental health resources and awareness in their communities?
    Challenges students to think about advocacy and action they can take to improve mental health awareness and resources locally.

These questions can serve as a foundation for projects, discussions, and activities that raise awareness about mental health, promote well-being, and encourage young people to take an active role in supporting themselves and others.

Common Signs of Mental Health Struggles

Recognising the signs that someone might be struggling with their mental health is crucial for providing timely and effective support. Mental health issues can manifest in various ways, and being aware of these signs can help in identifying when someone needs help. Here are some common signs of mental health struggles, along with ways we can offer support:

Common Signs of Mental Health Struggles:

  1. Changes in Mood or Behaviour: Look for significant changes in mood, such as increased irritability, sadness, or anger that are not typical for the person.
  2. Withdrawal: Withdrawing from social interactions, activities they once enjoyed, or avoiding conversations about their feelings.
  3. Changes in Eating or Sleeping Habits: Significant changes in appetite or sleep patterns, including too much or too little of either.
  4. Decline in Performance: Noticeable decline in performance at work, school, or other daily activities.
  5. Expressing Feelings of Hopelessness: Frequent expressions of hopelessness, worthlessness, or being a burden to others.
  6. Physical Symptoms: Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, or generally increased complaints about physical health.
  7. Increased Sensitivity: Heightened sensitivity to rejection or failure or being overly critical of themselves.
  8. Risky Behaviours: Engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviours, including substance abuse.
  9. Difficulty Concentrating: Problems with concentration, memory, or logical thought and speech that are out of character.
  10. Talking About Death or Suicide: Expressing thoughts about suicide or making statements about not wanting to be alive.

How to Support Someone Struggling with Their Mental Health:

  1. Listen Without Judgment: Create a safe space for them to express their feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment. Sometimes, just being heard can be incredibly healing.
  2. Encourage Professional Help: Gently suggest seeking help from a mental health professional. Offer to help them find a therapist or accompany them to an appointment if they're open to it.
  3. Stay Connected: Continue to reach out and check in on them. Isolation can exacerbate mental health issues, so staying connected can make a difference.
  4. Educate Yourself: Learn about mental health issues to better understand what your friend or loved one is going through. This can help you provide more empathetic support.
  5. Offer Practical Help: Sometimes, daily tasks can become overwhelming. Offering practical help, such as assisting with chores or errands, can alleviate some stress.
  6. Be Patient: Understand that recovery from a mental health issue can take time. Be patient and continue to offer your support throughout their journey.
  7. Encourage Healthy Habits: Support them in developing healthy habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep, which can all have a positive impact on mental health.
  8. Know Your Limits: Recognize when the situation is beyond your ability to help and encourage professional support. It's important to look after your own mental health as well.
  9. Emergency Situations: If you believe they are in immediate danger to themselves or others, seek help from professionals or emergency services right away.

Supporting someone with mental health struggles requires compassion, patience, and understanding. Remember, you don't have to fix their problems; being there for them is already a significant form of support.

In Australia, several organisations are dedicated to supporting young people with mental health and well-being issues. These organisations offer a range of services, from information and resources to counselling and crisis support. Here are some notable ones:

  1. headspace
    • Website: headspace.org.au
    • Services Offered: headspace provides mental health and well-being support, information, and services to young people aged 12 to 25. Their services include health advice, mental health support, substance use services, and work and study support through online and phone services, as well as through headspace centres across Australia.
  2. ReachOut Australia
    • Website: au.reachout.com
    • Services Offered: ReachOut is an online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Offering practical support, tools, and tips to help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times, ReachOut's resources are designed to help young people improve their understanding of mental health issues and develop resilience.
  3. Beyond Blue
    • Website: beyondblue.org.au
    • Services Offered: Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. While Beyond Blue supports all age groups, they have resources and programs specifically designed for young people, including forums, counselling services, and information on a wide range of mental health issues.
  4. Kids Helpline
    • Website: kidshelpline.com.au
    • Services Offered: Kids Helpline is a free, private, and confidential phone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged 5 to 25 in Australia. They offer 24/7 support for any issue, including mental health challenges, through phone, WebChat, and email.
  5. The Black Dog Institute
    • Website: blackdoginstitute.org.au
    • Services Offered: The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing, and treating mental illness. They offer a wealth of resources on mental health for young people, including educational programs, resources for schools, and research on mental health issues affecting young Australians.
  6. Orygen
    • Website: orygen.org.au
    • Services Offered: Orygen specialises in youth mental health and offers clinical services, health professional training, and conducts research to support young people in Australia experiencing mental health issues. They focus on early intervention and youth-specific mental health services.
  7. Lifeline Australia
    • Website: lifeline.org.au
    • Services Offered: While Lifeline offers crisis support services to all Australians, they also provide specific resources and support for young people dealing with mental health challenges. Lifeline's 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services are accessible via phone, text, or online chat.
  8. SANE Australia
    • Website: sane.org
    • Services Offered: SANE Australia offers support, training, and education enabling those with a mental illness to lead a better life. They provide a range of resources and helplines specifically tailored to the needs of young people dealing with complex mental health issues.

These organisations are crucial in providing support and resources for young people struggling with their mental health in Australia. They offer a mix of in-person and online services to ensure that young people can access the help they need, regardless of their location.

Goal-Problem-Solution Scenario 🎯

The Goal Problem Solution (GPS) method is a three-part structured summary:

  • Goal: The goal you are trying to achieve
  • Problem: The problem that is preventing you from reaching your goal
  • Solution: What I/we/you are going to do to solve the problem

A sample GPS for SDG 3: Prioritising Mental Health and Well-being in Young People for a Healthier Future


To foster a supportive environment that prioritises mental health and well-being among young people, ensuring they have access to resources, support, and education to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

  1. Lack of Awareness: Many young people and their communities may not fully understand mental health, its importance, or recognise the signs of mental health challenges.
  2. Stigma and Silence: There's often a stigma attached to discussing mental health issues, leading to silence and a lack of support for those in need.
  3. Insufficient Resources: Schools and communities may lack sufficient resources, programs, or trained personnel to support young people's mental health effectively.
  4. Environmental Stressors: Young people face various stressors, including academic pressure, social media influence, and personal or family issues, which can adversely affect their mental well-being.
  1. Education and Awareness Campaigns:
    • Implement classroom lessons that teach students about mental health, including how to recognise signs of mental distress in themselves or others.
    • Organise awareness campaigns or assemblies featuring guest speakers, workshops, and interactive activities to destigmatise mental health conversations.
  2. Creating Supportive Spaces:
    • Establish a "Well-being Club" or "Buddy System" where students can share experiences, support each other, and practice mindfulness or relaxation techniques together.
    • Designate a safe space within the school where students can go to relax, talk to counsellors, or participate in stress-relief activities.
  3. Training for Teachers and Staff:
    • Provide professional development for teachers and staff on identifying mental health issues and offering initial support or referrals to specialists.
    • Develop a protocol for teachers to follow when they identify a student struggling with mental health issues, ensuring timely and sensitive support.
  4. Parent and Community Engagement:
    • Host informational sessions for parents and guardians to educate them about youth mental health, signs to watch for, and how to talk about mental health with their children.
    • Partner with local mental health organisations to provide resources, workshops, and support networks for students and their families.
  5. Advocacy and Policy:
    • Encourage students to become mental health advocates, empowering them to speak up about the need for better mental health resources and policies in schools.
    • Develop a school-wide mental health policy that includes strategies for promoting well-being, preventing mental health issues, and responding to mental health crises.

By addressing these solutions, students in Stages 2 and 3 can contribute to a culture that values mental health, encourages open dialogue, and provides the necessary support for young people to thrive mentally and emotionally.

In Australia, several organisations provide professional learning and resources for teachers to support students with mental health and well-being. These organisations offer a range of services from training workshops to educational resources, aiming to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to recognise and address mental health issues in the classroom. Here are some notable organisations:

  1. Beyond Blue
    Beyond Blue is well-known for its focus on mental health across all age groups. For educators, they offer specific resources and programs designed to support the mental well-being of students. Their "Be You" initiative is a national framework for educators to develop strategies and gain insights into mental health and well-being in educational settings.
  2. Headspace
    Headspace, the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, provides tailored support for young Australians. They also offer resources and training for teachers and schools through their Headspace Schools program, focusing on early intervention and support for students' mental health.
  3. Black Dog Institute
    The Black Dog Institute offers professional development for educators on identifying and managing mental health issues in schools. They provide resources and training on a range of topics, including understanding mental health, resilience, and well-being strategies for both students and teachers.
  4. MindMatters
    MindMatters is a mental health initiative for secondary schools, offering free online resources and professional development designed to improve the mental health and well-being of young people. The program provides a framework for schools to develop and implement mental health and well-being strategies.
  5. KidsMatter
    Although KidsMatter has been integrated into the Be You initiative, it originally started as a mental health and well-being framework for primary schools and early childhood education. Be You continues to build on KidsMatter's foundation, providing professional development and resources for educators in these settings.
  6. ReachOut Schools
    ReachOut offers digital tools and resources specifically designed for schools to support student well-being and mental health. Their professional development resources for teachers focus on using technology to engage young people in mental health education and support.
  7. Life Education
    Best known for its Healthy Harold program, Life Education has expanded its offerings to include resources and workshops for teachers on health and well-being topics, including mental health. Their programs aim to equip teachers with the skills to teach their students about making safe and healthy choices.

These organisations play a crucial role in supporting educators to create a positive and supportive learning environment that promotes the mental health and well-being of young people in Australia. By providing professional development and resources, they help ensure that teachers are well-prepared to identify and address mental health issues among their students.

Project Ideas πŸ’‘

To engage young people in Stages 2 and 3 with SDG 3, focusing on prioritising mental health and well-being, here are several project ideas:

  1. Wellness Journal Creation:
    Students design and maintain a wellness journal, tracking their feelings, activities that make them happy, and things they are grateful for. This project can teach self-awareness and emotional expression.
  2. Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions:
    Organise regular mindfulness or meditation sessions in class. Students can learn about the benefits of these practices on mental health and create presentations or guides on how to implement them daily.
  3. Healthy Habits Campaign:
    Students create a campaign promoting healthy habits that support mental well-being, such as adequate sleep, regular physical activity, and balanced nutrition. The campaign can include posters, digital content, and classroom presentations.
  4. Emotion Charades Game:
    A game where students express and guess different emotions without words, helping them understand and empathise with how others might feel. This activity can facilitate discussions about emotions and how to support friends who might be struggling.
  5. Stress Management Workshop:
    Students research and present different stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, time management skills, and hobbies that help reduce stress. They can organise a workshop for their peers to teach these techniques.
  6. Gratitude Tree:
    Create a classroom or school-wide gratitude tree where students and staff can add leaves with written messages of what they are grateful for. This project promotes positivity and a supportive school environment.
  7. Mental Health Awareness Day:
    Plan an awareness day with activities, guest speakers (like psychologists or counsellors), and information booths on mental health resources. Students can be involved in the planning and execution, learning organisational and advocacy skills.
  8. Digital Detox Challenge:
    Challenge students to reduce screen time for a week, replacing it with activities that promote well-being. They can journal the experience and share the impact of the detox on their mental health.
  9. Support Circle:
    Students form a support circle where they can share experiences and feelings in a safe and structured environment, learning about empathy, listening skills, and community building.
  10. Community Well-being Initiative:
    Engage students in a project to improve mental health and well-being in their community, such as organising a community clean-up, planting a community garden, or creating a public mural that promotes mental health awareness.

These projects aim to deepen students' understanding of mental health and well-being, develop empathy, and equip them with tools to support themselves and others.

Gamification Options πŸ‘Ύ

To enhance engagement and learning about SDG 3, focusing on prioritising mental health and well-being for young people, here are some gamification options suitable for students in Stages 2 and 3:

  1. Mental Wellness Quest:
    A digital or board game where students embark on quests to learn about different aspects of mental health, completing tasks related to self-care, empathy, and support for others. Players earn points for completing wellness challenges and helping fellow players in hypothetical scenarios.
  2. Emotion Matching Game:
    Create a card or digital matching game with different emotions and scenarios. Students match emotions to appropriate coping strategies, learning how to manage feelings in various situations. 
  3. Well-being Bingo:
    A bingo game featuring activities that promote mental health, such as "spend 30 minutes reading," "help a friend," or "practice 10 minutes of meditation." Completing these activities in a week can earn students a bingo and small rewards. 
  4. Stress Management Simulator:
    An interactive online game that simulates stressful situations where students must choose from various coping mechanisms to manage stress effectively. This game can teach practical stress-relief techniques. 
  5. Mindfulness Challenge App:
    An app challenge where students track their participation in mindfulness activities like meditation, deep breathing, or expressing gratitude. Completing daily challenges earns them virtual badges or rewards. 
  6. Healthy Habits Tracker:
    A classroom or individual tracker where students earn points for engaging in healthy habits that support mental well-being, such as physical activity, nutritious eating, and adequate sleep. Points can be traded for privileges or rewards. 
  7. Gratitude Scavenger Hunt:
    Organise a scavenger hunt that encourages students to find and photograph things they are grateful for in their lives. Each item found and shared earns points, promoting positivity and gratitude. 
  8. Feelings Fortune Teller:
    Students craft a classic paper fortune teller game with different coping strategies or positive activities inside. Playing the game with peers can spark conversations about emotions and healthy ways to express them. 
  9. Role-Play Scenarios:
    A role-playing game where students act out different scenarios involving emotional challenges, with the class or groups discussing the best ways to handle each situation. This promotes empathy and problem-solving skills related to mental health. 
  10. Digital Wellness Journey:
    A web-based journey game where students navigate through various levels, each focusing on a different aspect of mental health (e.g., understanding emotions, building resilience). Completing interactive lessons and quizzes advances players through the journey, unlocking new areas of knowledge. 

These gamification strategies can make the exploration of mental health and well-being more engaging, interactive, and impactful for young students, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to their own mental health and that of others.

Curriculum alignment πŸ“

Aligning educational activities with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, focusing on "Good Health and Well-being," particularly prioritizing mental health among young people, involves integrating various aspects of mental health awareness, well-being practices, and advocacy into the educational framework for students in Stages Two and Three. Below is a detailed table outlining how these themes can be integrated across different subjects in both the Australian and NSW curriculum:

Australian Curriculum Alignment
Subject Area Content Descriptor Code(s) Content Descriptor SDG 3 Connection Example Activity
Mathematics ACMSP096, ACMSP118 (Stage 2) ACMSP144, ACMSP145 (Stage 3) Data Representation and Interpretation Analysing data related to mental health Students conduct surveys on school well-being and use the data to create graphs, exploring trends in mental health among peers.
Science ACSSU073 (Stage 2) ACSSU112 (Stage 3) Biological Sciences: Human body and its responses Understanding how lifestyle affects mental health Explore the science behind stress, exercise, and relaxation on mental health, conducting experiments on heart rate and stress levels.
Technology ACTDIP020 (Stage 2) ACTDIP029 (Stage 3) Digital Technologies: Investigating and defining The impact of technology on mental health Research and present findings on the effects of screen time on mental health, proposing guidelines for healthy technology use.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) ACHASSK088 (Stage 2) ACHASSK139, ACHASSK140 (Stage 3) Personal and Social Capability: Recognising emotions, empathy Role of community and schools in mental health Investigate and discuss how different communities and schools worldwide support mental health and well-being.
English EN2-2A, EN2-11D (Stage 2) EN3-2A, EN3-8D (Stage 3) Composing texts: Text structure and organisation Communicating about mental health and advocacy Write and share personal narratives or stories that highlight the importance of mental health, fostering empathy and understanding.
PDHPE PD2-6, PD2-7 (Stage 2) PD3-6, PD3-7 (Stage 3) Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education: Making healthy and safe choices Promoting mental health and well-being strategies Develop a class project that promotes mental well-being through activities like mindfulness, yoga, or creating a well-being journal.

Example Activities Explained:

  • "Understanding Mental Health and Its Importance": Science lessons can delve into how physical activities and relaxation techniques scientifically impact mental health, offering a practical understanding of stress management.
  • "Activities Affecting Mental Health and Well-being": In PDHPE, students can engage in activities that promote mental well-being, understanding the link between physical health and mental health, and exploring ways to maintain both.
  • "Recognizing Signs of Mental Health Struggles": English classes offer a platform for students to express their understanding and experiences related to mental health through narrative writing, encouraging empathy and open dialogue.
  • "Impact of Screen Time on Mental Health": Technology classes can investigate the relationship between screen time and mental health, encouraging critical thinking about personal technology use.
  • "Schools' Role in Supporting Mental Health": Through Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), students can explore how educational environments impact mental health, fostering discussions on what improvements can be made within their own school.
  • "Advocacy for Mental Health Resources and Awareness": In Mathematics, data from student-conducted surveys can lead to school-wide discussions and actions aimed at improving mental health resources and awareness, demonstrating how statistical analysis can inform real-world change.

This framework provides a structured way to integrate SDG 3 into the curriculum, ensuring students engage with the critical issue of mental health from multiple disciplinary perspectives. It promotes awareness, critical thinking, and a proactive approach to mental well-being.

NSW Curriculum Alignment

Aligning educational activities with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, focusing on "Good Health and Well-being," and emphasising mental health among young people for a healthier future, requires incorporating themes of mental health awareness, well-being practices, and advocacy into the educational framework of the NSW curriculum for students in Stages Two and Three. Here's how these themes can be integrated across different subjects:

Subject Area Content Descriptor Code(s) Content Descriptor SDG 3 Connection Example Activity
Mathematics MA2-18SP, MA3-18SP Data: Represent and interpret data Analysing data related to mental health Students survey classmates about well-being activities and graph the findings to identify popular stress-reduction methods.
Science ST2-10LW, ST3-10LW Life cycles, energy in living systems Exploring how physical health impacts mental well-being Investigate how exercise and diet influence mental health, including experiments on how physical activity affects mood and stress levels.
Technology T2.1, T3.1 Design and Production Evaluating the impact of digital technologies on well-being Research and create a presentation on the pros and cons of social media usage on young people's mental health, proposing balanced technology use plans.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) GE2-1, GE3-1 Features of places and people's connections to places Understanding community support systems for mental health Map out local mental health resources and discuss the role of community in supporting individual well-being.
English EN2-2A, EN3-2A Objective: Compose texts through exploring ideas Raising awareness about mental health through storytelling Write stories or diary entries from the perspective of characters dealing with mental health challenges, focusing on empathy, and understanding.
PDHPE PD2-11D, PD3-11D Decision making and problem-solving skills Strategies for maintaining mental and emotional health Develop and participate in a "Mental Health Awareness Week" with activities such as mindfulness sessions, guest speaker talks, and well-being workshops.

Example Activities Explained:

  • "What is Mental Health and Why It's Important": Science lessons can delve into the biological aspects of how physical health activities like exercise affect mental well-being, offering students a scientific perspective on stress management and emotional health.
  • "Activities Affecting Our Mental Health and Well-being": In PDHPE, students actively explore and participate in various well-being activities, understanding the direct link between physical health, activities, and mental health. This can include practical exercises like yoga or mindfulness meditation.
  • "Recognizing Signs of Mental Health Struggles": English classes provide a platform for students to creatively express and explore mental health topics through storytelling or diary entries, fostering empathy and deeper understanding of mental health issues.
  • "Impact of Screen Time on Mental Health": Technology classes can lead to critical discussions and projects on the effects of screen time and digital technology use on mental health, encouraging students to develop and propose balanced use strategies.
  • "Role of Schools and Community in Supporting Mental Health": Through Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), students investigate and map out local mental health resources, facilitating discussions on the importance of community support systems in enhancing individual well-being.
  • "Advocating for Mental Health Resources and Awareness": Mathematics can be used to survey and analyse data on well-being activities, leading to school-wide initiatives like "Mental Health Awareness Week," where students can apply their findings to promote mental health awareness and advocacy.

Cross-Curricular collaboration πŸ–‡οΈ

Reusable Learning Artifact (RLA): Empowering Students on Mental Health and Well-being through Cross-Curricular Collaboration

This RLA aims to equip teachers with a framework to integrate mental health and well-being education across various subjects. By leveraging the strengths of each discipline, educators can provide a multifaceted understanding of mental health, emphasizing the importance of well-being and offering students tools and perspectives to navigate their mental health journey.

Integrating Sustainable Development Goal 3, focusing on good health and well-being, into the curriculum requires a collaborative, cross-curricular approach. This RLA suggests activities that merge subjects such as Health and Physical Education (HPE), Science, English, Creative Arts, Mathematics, Geography, Technology, Social Studies/HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment), and Music to create a comprehensive mental health education experience for students in Stages 2 and 3.

Activity Suggestions:

  1. Health and Physical Education + Science: Brain Science and Emotions
    • Activity: Conduct a joint project exploring the biology of emotions and the brain's role in mental health. This could involve experiments, such as heart rate measurement during different emotional states, and discussions on how physical activity affects mental health.
    • Objective: To provide a scientific basis for understanding emotions and the importance of physical health in maintaining mental well-being.
  2. English + Creative Arts: Expressing Emotions through Art and Story
    • Activity: Students create personal narratives or artworks that explore themes of mental health and emotional expression. This can be showcased in a class exhibition or a digital portfolio.
    • Objective: To encourage emotional expression through creative means and facilitate discussions on mental health themes in a supportive environment.
  3. Mathematics + Geography: Analysing Global Mental Health Trends
    • Activity: Use statistical data to map global mental health issues, exploring factors that influence mental health statistics across different regions.
    • Objective: To develop an understanding of the prevalence and impact of mental health issues worldwide, fostering global empathy and awareness.
  4. PDHPE + Technology: Digital Well-being Campaign
    • Activity: Students leverage digital tools to create campaigns promoting mental health awareness, incorporating video production, social media, and web design.
    • Objective: To combine health education with digital literacy, empowering students to spread positive mental health messages.
  5. Social Studies/HSIE + Music: Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health
    • Activity: Explore mental health perceptions in different cultures through music and social studies, including discussions, presentations, and music composition or analysis.
    • Objective: To appreciate diverse mental health views and practices, enhancing cultural competency and understanding.
  6. Science + PDHPE + English: Environmental Influences on Mental Health
    • Activity: Investigate how natural and built environments affect mental health, culminating in reflective essays or community projects aimed at enhancing local environments.
    • Objective: To understand the link between environment and mental health, promoting advocacy and action for healthier communities.
  7. Creative Arts + Health and Physical Education: Drama on Emotional Well-being
    • Activity: Use drama to explore emotional health topics, role-playing scenarios that teach empathy, communication, and support strategies.
    • Objective: To develop emotional intelligence and communication skills through performative arts, offering practical strategies for emotional support.
  8. All Subjects: Well-being Week
    • Activity: Organize a school-wide well-being week with lessons or activities in each subject related to mental health, culminating in a community event or assembly.
    • Objective: To highlight the importance of mental health across all areas of study and life, fostering a school-wide culture of well-being.

Implementation Tips:

  • Collaboration: Encourage teachers from different subjects to plan together, ensuring activities are complementary and provide a cohesive learning experience.
  • Student Voice: Involve students in the planning and execution of activities, catering to their interests and providing leadership opportunities.
  • Community Involvement: Engage local mental health organizations, inviting guest speakers or utilizing resources to enrich the curriculum.
  • Reflection and Feedback: Allocate time for students to reflect on their learning and share feedback, fostering a continuous improvement mindset.


By integrating mental health education across the curriculum, educators can provide students with a holistic understanding of well-being, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate their mental health. This cross-curricular approach not only enriches the educational experience but also contributes to building a supportive, empathetic school community.


Educators can enhance these activities with resources from Beyond Blue, headspace, and Kids Helpline, tailoring the curriculum to meet Australian educational guidelines and mental health initiatives. These organizations offer lesson plans, educational programs, and support services designed specifically for Australian communities.

Here are some Australian resources that can help you with your RLA on mental health and well-being:

  1. The Student Wellbeing Hub: A website that provides information and resources on strategies to build and sustain the well-being of the whole school community. The Hub offers tools and knowledge that will enable all members of the school community to promote the social and emotional development and well-being of students, nurture student responsibility and resilience, build a positive school culture, foster respectful relationships, and respond to key contemporary issues and topics that impact on student well-being1
  2. Student Resilience and Wellbeing Resources: A website that provides resources for educators, parents, and students on strategies to promote student safety, well-being, and learning outcomes. The website offers curriculum-aligned, age-appropriate classroom resources for primary and secondary students for the focus areas of well-being and online safety, a detailed introduction to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework with case studies, interviews, and support materials for individual educators and whole school staff to help inform safety and well-being programs, professional learning modules that build understanding of issues impacting student well-being including bullying, health and wellness, and online safety, and a School Audit Tool to help schools identify the strengths of their current safety and well-being programs and policies and discover strategies to address areas for improvement2
  3. A Framework for Promoting Student Mental Wellbeing in Universities: A framework that aims to assist institutions to develop a β€˜whole-of-university’ approach to promoting student mental health and well-being. It identifies key action areas for promoting student mental health and well-being as well as institutional enablers for achieving those actions3


From Idea to Impact

Program Overview

"From Idea to Impact" is a dynamic online course tailored for young innovators aged 10-18 years, aiming to transform budding ideas into actionable project plans. Leveraging the 'GPS Sentence' model, the course instils in students the foundational skills of project planning, including goal setting, problem identification, and solution formulation. Through interactive modules and the 'Project Canvas' tool, students are guided from conceptualization to the creation of a detailed project plan.

Outcomes for Young People and Adults

For Young People:

  • Develop the ability to generate and refine project ideas.
  • Learn structured goal-setting and problem-solving methodologies.
  • Gain insights into identifying stakeholders and gathering resources.
  • Acquire skills in measuring project success and understanding project management fundamentals.
  • Enhance presentation skills and the ability to collaborate andreceive feedback.

For Adults:

  • Build confidence in supporting youth in project planning.
  • Enhance their knowledge with additional resources and practical application exercises.
  • Foster a supportive environment for mentoring, offering clear evaluation tools.
  • Encourage practical application and mentorship, leading to recognition of efforts.

Curriculum Alignment

The course aligns with the Australian Curriculum across various stages and subjects, providing a structured approach to developing key competencies:

  • Empowering Idea Generation: Linked with Arts and Science codes, encouraging creative and scientific inquiry.
  • Structured Goal Planning and Stakeholder Awareness: Integrates Mathematics and HASS, focusing on problem-solving and global economic awareness.
  • Success Measurement and Project Management: Correlates with Science and Design and Technologies, emphasizing data analysis and project organization.
  • Project Canvas Development and Presentation Skills: Associated with Design and Technologies and English, fostering solution development and effective communication.

"From Idea to Impact" not only aligns with educational standards but also enriches student learning experiences by bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, supporting both students and teachers in navigating the complexities of project planning and execution.

2. Catalyst Coaches

Program Overview

"Catalyst Coaches" is an innovative online course designed to empower educators with the knowledge and tools needed to guide students in creating impactful projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The course covers foundational SDG knowledge, youth dynamics, project ideation, planning, facilitation of student-led projects, technology integration, impact assessment, and sharing successes.

Outcomes for Young People and Adults

For Educators:

  • Develop an understanding of the SDGs, learn strategies to facilitate youth-led projects effectively, and incorporate technology and media to enhance project visibility and impact.

For Students:

  • Through educator guidance, gain skills in project design and execution within the framework of the SDGs, enhancing their problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork abilities.

Curriculum Alignment

The course content is tailored to complement educational curriculums by embedding pedagogical insights with practical project-based learning tools. It aligns with key learning areas by fostering critical thinking, collaboration, digital literacy, and global citizenship among students, supporting educators to integrate these themes seamlessly into their teaching practices.

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.