Our Role in Eradicating Poverty ๐ŸŒ

Achieving a world without poverty requires a collective effort. Every action, no matter how small, can contribute to making SDG 1 a reality. Letโ€™s unite in our efforts to create a fairer, more prosperous world for everyone. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ท

Our Role in Eradicating Poverty ๐ŸŒ

Achieving a world without poverty requires a collective effort. Every action, no matter how small, can contribute to making SDG 1 a reality. Letโ€™s unite in our efforts to create a fairer, more prosperous world for everyone. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ท


SDG 1, "No Poverty," aims to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. For students in Stages 2 and 3 discussions around this goal can be both enlightening and challenging, offering a broad understanding of global issues and encouraging empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Here's a list of big questions that can facilitate meaningful discussions and learning about SDG 1.

Stage 2

What is Poverty?

  • What does it mean to live in poverty?
  • How do people around the world experience poverty differently?
  1. Basic Needs and Resources:
    • What are basic needs, and why are they important?
    • How does not having enough food, water, or a safe place to live affect people?
  2. Poverty in Our Community:
    • Is there poverty in our community? What does it look like?
    • How can we help people in our community who are experiencing poverty?
  3. Education and Poverty:
    • How does being poor affect a childโ€™s ability to learn and go to school?
    • Why is education important for ending poverty?

Stage 3

Global Perspectives on Poverty:

  • How does poverty differ in urban versus rural areas?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce poverty in different parts of the world?
  1. The Role of Governments and Organizations:
    • What can governments do to reduce poverty?
    • How do international organizations (like the UN) work to reduce poverty?
  2. Economic Systems and Poverty:
    • How do different economic systems impact poverty levels?
    • Can economic growth alone reduce poverty? Why or why not?
  3. Sustainability and Poverty:
    • How are sustainability and poverty related?
    • Why is it important to consider the environment when addressing poverty?
  4. Inequality and Social Justice:
    • How is poverty related to inequality?
    • What is social justice, and how does it relate to ending poverty?
  5. Action and Advocacy:
    • What can individuals do to help end poverty?
    • How can young people advocate for those living in poverty?

These questions can be adapted based on the age group and context, encouraging students to think critically about poverty and its implications on both a local and global scale. Activities could include research projects, debates, role-playing, and community service projects, all aimed at deepening students' understanding and empathy towards those living in poverty.

Goal-Problem-Solution Scenario ๐ŸŽฏ

The Goal Problem Solution (GPS) method is a three-part structured summary:

  • Goal: The goal you are trying to achieve
  • Problem: The problem that is preventing you from reaching your goal
  • Solution: What I/we/you are going to do to solve the problem

Here is a simplified GPS framework designed to make these concepts accessible and actionable for students in Stages 2 and 3 investigating SDG 1 "No Povertyโ€.

Goal: Eliminate Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere

Problem: Understanding Poverty

  • What is Poverty?
    • Poverty means not having enough money to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing. But it's more than just not having enough money. It's also about not being able to go to school, see a doctor when you're sick, or have a safe place to live.
  • How Does Poverty Affect People and Communities?
    • For a child, poverty might mean not having pencils, books, or a uniform to go to school. For a family, it could mean not having enough food to eat or a safe home. Poverty makes life very difficult and can stop people from achieving their dreams.
  • Where Does Poverty Exist?
    • Poverty exists in every country, from big cities to small villages. Some places have more poverty than others, but it's a problem that affects every part of the world.

Solution: Taking Action Against Poverty

Actions for Stage 2

  1. Education and Awareness:
    • Learn: Talk about poverty in class. Read stories or watch videos about how children live in different parts of the world.
    • Share: Create posters or drawings about what you've learned and share them with your school or community.
  2. Community Engagement:
    • Support Local Food Banks: Organise a food drive at school to collect non-perishable food items for local food banks.
    • Clothing and Toy Drives: Collect used clothes and toys to donate to local shelters or charities that support children in need.
  3. Empathy and Understanding:
    • Reflection: Write letters or diary entries imagining a day in the life of a child experiencing poverty. Discuss how gratitude and kindness can make a difference.

Actions for Stage 3

  1. Advocacy and Awareness:
    • Campaigns: Start a campaign to raise awareness about poverty in your school. This could involve presentations, newsletters, or social media posts.
    • Educational Events: Organise or participate in events like poverty simulation experiences or guest speaker sessions to learn more about the issue.
  2. Direct Action:
    • Volunteering: Spend time volunteering at local shelters, food banks, or other organisations that help people experiencing poverty.
    • Fundraising: Organise bake sales, charity runs, or other fundraising events to raise money for organisations working to end poverty.
  3. Global Connection:
    • Pen Pals or Global Classrooms: Connect with students from another part of the world to learn about their lives and share experiences. This can build empathy and understanding across cultures.

By learning about poverty, spreading awareness, and taking action, students can contribute to the global effort to end poverty. Every small action counts, and together, we can make a big difference in the lives of those who are struggling. Engaging in these activities can help students develop empathy, leadership skills, and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Project Ideas ๐Ÿ’ก

For students in Stages 2 and 3, investigating and engaging with SDG 1, "No Poverty," through projects can help them develop a deeper understanding of global issues, empathy, and critical thinking skills. Here are some project ideas tailored to these age groups that focus on learning, action, and awareness.

Stage 2

  1. Poverty Awareness Posters
    • Objective: Create informative and engaging posters that illustrate different aspects of poverty.
    • Activity: Students research facts about poverty and its impact on children and families around the world. They then use this information to design posters that raise awareness about poverty and encourage action within their school or community.
  2. "A Day in the Life" Story Project
    • Objective: Develop empathy and understanding by exploring what daily life might look like for a child living in poverty.
    • Activity: Students write stories or create comic strips based on a day in the life of a child experiencing poverty. They can use their research to include challenges related to schooling, nutrition, and access to clean water and healthcare.
  3. Class Food Drive Challenge
    • Objective: Support local food banks and learn about food insecurity.
    • Activity: Organise a food drive in which students bring in non-perishable food items to donate to a local food bank. Incorporate a learning component by discussing how food insecurity relates to poverty and how their contributions help.
Stage 3
  1. Investigative Documentary Project
    • Objective: Explore the causes and effects of poverty through multimedia.
    • Activity: Students work in groups to create short documentaries that explore poverty's impact on their community or in another part of the world. They can interview community members, use online resources, and incorporate their findings to educate and inspire action.
  2. "Solutions to Poverty" Debate Club
    • Objective: Understand different perspectives and solutions to poverty.
    • Activity: Form a debate club that focuses on discussing solutions to poverty, such as government policies, charity work, and community initiatives. Students can research various viewpoints and present arguments, fostering critical thinking and public speaking skills.
  3. Global Pen Pal Exchange
    • Objective: Foster global connections and understanding.
    • Activity: Connect with a classroom in a different part of the world to exchange letters or emails. Students can share their daily lives and learn directly about the challenges and successes of peers in another cultural context, focusing on themes related to poverty and education.
  4. "Change Makers" Research Project
    • Objective: Highlight individuals and organisations making a difference in the fight against poverty.
    • Activity: Students choose a person or organisation that is actively working to reduce poverty. They research their chosen subject's strategies, impact, and challenges, then present their findings to the class through presentations, posters, or digital media.
  5. Community Service and Reflection
    • Objective: Engage directly with local efforts to combat poverty.
    • Activity: Participate in or organise volunteer opportunities with local shelters, food banks, or community centres. Following their service, students reflect on their experiences through writing or group discussion, connecting their actions to broader efforts to achieve SDG 1.

Each of these projects can be adapted to fit the curriculum, resources, and interests of the students, encouraging active engagement with global issues, and developing a sense of global citizenship and empathy.

Gamification Options ๐Ÿ‘พ

Gamification can significantly enhance students' engagement and understanding of complex issues like SDG 1 "No Poverty". Here are some gamified project ideas designed specifically for students in Stages 2 and 3, which aim to investigate the various aspects of poverty and inspire action through interactive and fun learning experiences.

Stage 2
  1. Poverty Awareness Board Game:
    • Concept: Create a board game where players navigate through different scenarios related to poverty, such as earning enough to buy food and pay for education. The game can include challenges like natural disasters or losing a job, and opportunities like community support or scholarships.
    • Objective: Teach empathy and understanding by showing the hurdles people face in escaping poverty.
  2. Digital Storytelling Quest:
    • Concept: Utilise storytelling software or apps where students create interactive stories or quests based on real-life stories of people experiencing poverty. The narrative can include choices that lead to different outcomes, showing how decisions and external factors can impact lives.
    • Objective: Foster empathy and critical thinking about the causes and effects of poverty.
  3. Poverty Simulation with Virtual Currency:
    • Concept: Implement a classroom economy with virtual currency where students can experience earning, spending, and saving. Introduce random events where students might face unexpected expenses (like healthcare or repairs) or receive bonuses (like scholarships).
    • Objective: Illustrate the financial challenges people face and the importance of community support.
Stage 3
  1. "Change Maker" Challenge:
    • Concept: Students embark on a mission-based challenge where they earn points by completing tasks related to understanding and acting on poverty. Tasks can range from research assignments, creating awareness content, to volunteering hours. Points unlock donations to real-world poverty alleviation programs.
    • Objective: Motivate direct action and deeper learning about poverty through real-world impact.
  2. Interactive Poverty Map:
    • Concept: Using mapping software or a web-based platform, students create an interactive map highlighting poverty statistics and stories from around the world. Gamification elements include quizzes, scavenger hunts, and unlocking hidden content by learning about different regions.
    • Objective: Encourage global awareness and understanding of the scale and diversity of poverty.
  3. Role-Playing and Simulation Games:
    • Concept: Develop a role-playing game (RPG) setup where students take on roles of various stakeholders in a community (e.g., government officials, farmers, business owners, educators). Through guided scenarios, they make decisions to address poverty in their community, facing realistic trade-offs and consequences.
    • Objective: Teach problem-solving, the complexity of economic systems, and the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing poverty.
  4. "Build a Better World" Minecraft Project:
    • Concept: Using Minecraft or similar sandbox games, students design and build virtual communities that address specific aspects of poverty, such as sustainable housing, community gardens, or education centres. Each project phase can earn resources or support from virtual NGOs.
    • Objective: Stimulate creativity and understanding of sustainable development principles in combating poverty.
Implementing Gamification
  • Integration with Curriculum: These projects can be integrated with various subjects, such as geography for the interactive map, art for the board game design, or IT for digital storytelling, making learning more interdisciplinary.
  • Showcasing Work: Allow students to showcase their projects to the school or community, encouraging pride in their work and raising awareness about poverty.
  • Reflection and Discussion: Following the completion of these projects, hold class discussions to reflect on what students learned about poverty and how they feel about the issues. Encourage them to think about how they can continue to make a difference.

Gamification not only makes learning about serious topics like poverty more engaging for young students but also empowers them to become active participants in seeking solutions and fostering empathy towards others.

Curriculum alignment ๐Ÿ“

Aligning educational activities with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1, "No Poverty," within the Australian curriculum for students in Stages Two and Three involves addressing various aspects of poverty, including understanding its causes and effects, exploring solutions, and recognizing the role of education, governments, and economic systems in alleviating poverty. Here's a table outlining how these themes can be integrated across different subjects, connecting curriculum content descriptors with activities related to SDG 1:

Australian Curriculum Alignment
Subject Area Content Descriptor Code(s) Content Descriptor SDG 1 Connection Example Activity
Mathematics ACMSP096, ACMSP118 (Stage 2) ACMSP144, ACMSP145 (Stage 3) Data Representation and Interpretation Analysing poverty statistics Students analyse data on global poverty rates and create infographics to present their findings.
Science ACSSU073 (Stage 2) ACSSU112 (Stage 3) Earth and Space Sciences: The Earthโ€™s resources The impact of resource scarcity on poverty Investigate how access to clean water and other natural resources affects community health and livelihoods.
Technology ACTDIP020 (Stage 2) ACTDIP029 (Stage 3) Investigating and defining: Creating digital solutions Technology solutions to address poverty Design a website or app that provides information on local support services for people experiencing poverty.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) ACHASSK088 (Stage 2) ACHASSK139, ACHASSK140 (Stage 3) Geography: The importance of environments to people and economic activities Understanding poverty in different contexts Research and present on poverty in urban vs. rural areas, focusing on causes and potential solutions.
English EN2-2A, EN2-11D (Stage 2) EN3-2A, EN3-8D (Stage 3) Composing texts: Text structure and organisation Communicating ideas about poverty and advocacy Write persuasive texts or narratives that explore the impacts of poverty or advocate for change.
PDHPE PD2-6, PD2-7 (Stage 2) PD3-6, PD3-7 (Stage 3) Personal Health Choices: Making healthy and safe choices The relationship between poverty, health, and well-being Discuss how poverty affects health and brainstorm ways to support healthy living in low-income communities.

Example Activities Explained:

  • Stage 2 "What is Poverty?" & "Basic Needs and Resources": In Mathematics, students can work on projects analysing poverty statistics, helping them understand the scale and impact of poverty. This can be linked to discussions in Science about how resource scarcity affects communities, emphasizing the importance of clean water and sustainable resource management.
  • Stage 3 "Global Perspectives on Poverty" & "The Role of Governments and Organizations": Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) activities can involve research and presentations on how poverty differs in urban vs. rural settings and the effectiveness of various poverty reduction strategies, including the role of governments and international organizations.
  • Across Stages "Education and Poverty" & "Action and Advocacy": In English, students can engage in writing persuasive texts or narratives focused on the importance of education in ending poverty or advocating for solutions to reduce poverty, linking to discussions in PDHPE about the interconnections between poverty, health, and well-being.

This table offers a structured way to integrate SDG 1 into the curriculum, ensuring students across various subjects engage with the concepts of poverty and are empowered to think critically about solutions and the importance of action and advocacy in making a difference.

NSW Curriculum Alignment

Aligning educational activities with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1, "No Poverty," within the NSW curriculum for students in Stages Two and Three involves creating an educational framework that addresses various aspects of poverty. This includes understanding poverty, its global and community impacts, the importance of basic needs, and the role of education, government, and economic systems in combating poverty. Below is a table outlining how themes related to SDG 1 can be integrated across different subjects in the NSW curriculum:

Subject Area Content Descriptor Code(s) Content Descriptor SDG 1 Connection Example Activity
Mathematics MA2-18SP, MA3-18SP Data: Represent and interpret data Analysing and interpreting data related to poverty Students collect data on local and global poverty statistics and create charts or graphs to present their findings.
Science ST2-11LW, ST3-11LW Living World: Importance of environments to animals and people Exploring the impact of environmental degradation on poverty Investigate how environmental issues like drought and deforestation contribute to poverty and discuss sustainable solutions.
Technology T2.1, T3.1 Digital Technologies: Investigating and designing Developing technological solutions to address poverty Students design a simple app or website to raise awareness about poverty in their community and suggest ways to help.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) GE2-2, GE3-2 Features of Places: The significance of environments to people Understanding the geographical distribution of poverty and its causes Research and create a presentation on how poverty affects different regions of the world differently, including urban vs. rural poverty.
English EN2-2A, EN3-2A Objective: Compose texts through exploring ideas Communicating about poverty and advocating for change Write persuasive essays or prepare speeches on the importance of addressing poverty, focusing on specific actions that can be taken.
PDHPE PD2-6, PD3-6 Personal Health Choices: Healthy lifestyle choices and community health Discussing the relationship between poverty, health, and well-being Lead a class discussion on how poverty can affect health and explore community-based solutions to support health equity.

Example Activities Explained:

  • Stage 2 "What is Poverty?" & "Basic Needs and Resources": Through Mathematics, students can engage with data to understand the scope of poverty, while Science lessons can focus on how environmental issues exacerbate poverty, tying into discussions on basic needs and sustainability.
  • Stage 3 "Global Perspectives on Poverty" & "The Role of Governments and Organizations": Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) can facilitate research into global poverty, encouraging students to explore the effectiveness of different strategies to combat poverty and the role of international organizations and governments.
  • Across Stages "Education and Poverty" & "Action and Advocacy": English classes offer opportunities for students to express their understanding and thoughts on poverty through persuasive writing and speeches, advocating for change. Meanwhile, PDHPE can be used to discuss the link between poverty and health, emphasizing the importance of support systems and community action.

This table provides a structured approach to integrating SDG 1 into the NSW curriculum, ensuring students engage with the concept of poverty from multiple disciplinary perspectives. It encourages critical thinking about solutions and the importance of advocacy and action in addressing poverty.

Cross-Curricular collaboration ๐Ÿ–‡๏ธ

Here are two cross-curricular collaboration projects for students in Stages 2 and 3 of the Australian Curriculum to explore and address SDG 1: No Poverty:

  1. Community Food Security Project:
    • Objective: Investigate the issue of poverty-related food insecurity in the local community.
    • Subjects Involved: Mathematics, Geography, and English.
    • Steps:
      1. Research and Data Collection:
        • Students collect data on food insecurity rates in their community (e.g., through surveys, interviews, or local government reports).
        • They analyse the data to identify vulnerable groups and areas with high poverty rates.
      2. Mapping and Analysis:
        • Students create maps showing food deserts (areas with limited access to affordable, nutritious food).
        • They analyse the correlation between poverty, food availability, and access.
      3. Action Plan:
        • Students propose solutions to address food insecurity, such as community gardens, food banks, or awareness campaigns.
        • They collaborate with local organizations to implement their ideas.
      4. Communication and Advocacy:
        • Students write persuasive essays or create multimedia presentations advocating for policies that reduce poverty and improve food security.
  2. Financial Literacy and Microfinance Project:
    • Objective: Explore financial literacy and microfinance as tools to alleviate poverty.
    • Subjects Involved: Mathematics, Economics, and Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education (PDHPE).
    • Steps:
      1. Understanding Poverty and Microfinance:
        • Students learn about poverty, its causes, and the role of microfinance institutions in supporting low-income individuals.
      2. Budgeting and Saving Workshops:
        • Students participate in budgeting workshops, learning about income, expenses, and saving strategies.
        • They create personal budgets and savings plans.
      3. Microfinance Simulation:
        • Students simulate microfinance lending by allocating small amounts of โ€œvirtualโ€ money to classmatesโ€™ business ideas.
        • They track repayments and discuss the impact of microloans.
      4. Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises:
        • Students explore social enterprises that address poverty (e.g., fair trade businesses, community cooperatives).
        • They develop their own social enterprise ideas.
      5. Community Awareness Campaign:
        • Students create posters, videos, or presentations to raise awareness about poverty and the importance of financial literacy.
        • They share their knowledge with peers, parents, and the wider community.

Remember, these projects encourage collaboration, critical thinking, and real-world problem-solving while addressing SDG 1. Feel free to adapt or expand upon these ideas based on your studentsโ€™ interests and local context! ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒฑ


From Idea to Impact

Program Overview

"From Idea to Impact" is a dynamic online course tailored for young innovators aged 10-18 years, aiming to transform budding ideas into actionable project plans. Leveraging the 'GPS Sentence' model, the course instils in students the foundational skills of project planning, including goal setting, problem identification, and solution formulation. Through interactive modules and the 'Project Canvas' tool, students are guided from conceptualization to the creation of a detailed project plan.

Outcomes for Young People and Adults

For Young People:

  • Develop the ability to generate and refine project ideas.
  • Learn structured goal-setting and problem-solving methodologies.
  • Gain insights into identifying stakeholders and gathering resources.
  • Acquire skills in measuring project success and understanding project management fundamentals.
  • Enhance presentation skills and the ability to collaborate andreceive feedback.

For Adults:

  • Build confidence in supporting youth in project planning.
  • Enhance their knowledge with additional resources and practical application exercises.
  • Foster a supportive environment for mentoring, offering clear evaluation tools.
  • Encourage practical application and mentorship, leading to recognition of efforts.

Curriculum Alignment

The course aligns with the Australian Curriculum across various stages and subjects, providing a structured approach to developing key competencies:

  • Empowering Idea Generation: Linked with Arts and Science codes, encouraging creative and scientific inquiry.
  • Structured Goal Planning and Stakeholder Awareness: Integrates Mathematics and HASS, focusing on problem-solving and global economic awareness.
  • Success Measurement and Project Management: Correlates with Science and Design and Technologies, emphasizing data analysis and project organization.
  • Project Canvas Development and Presentation Skills: Associated with Design and Technologies and English, fostering solution development and effective communication.

"From Idea to Impact" not only aligns with educational standards but also enriches student learning experiences by bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, supporting both students and teachers in navigating the complexities of project planning and execution.

2. Catalyst Coaches

Program Overview

"Catalyst Coaches" is an innovative online course designed to empower educators with the knowledge and tools needed to guide students in creating impactful projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The course covers foundational SDG knowledge, youth dynamics, project ideation, planning, facilitation of student-led projects, technology integration, impact assessment, and sharing successes.

Outcomes for Young People and Adults

For Educators:

  • Develop an understanding of the SDGs, learn strategies to facilitate youth-led projects effectively, and incorporate technology and media to enhance project visibility and impact.

For Students:

  • Through educator guidance, gain skills in project design and execution within the framework of the SDGs, enhancing their problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork abilities.

Curriculum Alignment

The course content is tailored to complement educational curriculums by embedding pedagogical insights with practical project-based learning tools. It aligns with key learning areas by fostering critical thinking, collaboration, digital literacy, and global citizenship among students, supporting educators to integrate these themes seamlessly into their teaching practices.

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.